jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

The Potential of Sixth Sense Technology

I could not believe the amazing technological product that an Indian guy had made. I was expecting something similar to what the major technological companies such as Apple and Microsoft are offering. The truth is that it came up to be something unexpected, and I have to say that I didn't think that the new device was real. I was definitely amazed to see such an interesting product that will revolutionize the world once it's available on the market. I can't wait for it to come out and become popular, because I'm sure that it will change our ways of life by making things easier. Everything will be at reach and we will get rid of so many other products because this one will have all we need. Impressive material, now we just have to wait for it to come out.

After looking at the video we realize the greatness of technology. People keep developing new stuff to amaze us and to make us believe that there will always be something better and efficient as the years go on. We must thank technology for making our lives easier in all aspects. We must also be grateful to it for allowing us to improve and to change our habits. Despite all the beneficial things that it can offer, we have to be aware that there are also some limitants to it. Technological devices can make us dependent from them. They can make us lazy and useless since the new products will do everything for us. Due to the enormous information that they can handle, our privacy could also be put in danger. Those are pretty much the ups and downs of this on going movement of technology.

The inventor said towards the end of the video that the product will be open source. When he says this he means that it will be pretty much available to anyone. We might think that it will only be used for certain purposes but he is willing to share it with the public at a very low cost. This is a very good idea because by allowing a free redistribution of the product it will become more popular and powerful around the globe. The only down side that I see to this idea is the lack of privacy that it will offer once it comes out to the market. Hopefully it will be successful like other open source products that we've used over the last years such as the Internet.

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